Are the plants real?

Are the plants real?

Yes! Each Taiga comes with 34 real tropical plants. 
    • Related Articles

    • Does Taiga have a warranty?

      Yes, Taiga comes with a one-year hardware warranty that begins upon installation day. There’s more detail in our terms and conditions. The plants also come with a three-month warranty that begins upon installation day.
    • Where can Taiga go?

      Taiga can be installed in most indoor environments where temperature ranges between A-B and humidity ranges between X-Y%. Please contact us if you have other schemes :)
    • Does it need light?

      With Taiga’s included Halo light, the plants will receive all the light they need. No natural light is required.
    • Do I need to install multiple power outlets for multiple Taiga?

      Not usually! Up to 5 Taiga can daisy-chain from one power outlet. If you plan to install more than 5 Taiga in one space, install one additional outlet per 5 additional Taiga.
    • Is it difficult to maintain?

      Nope! Taking care of Taiga is really easy. We recommend topping off the water tank weekly for optimal plant health.